Friday, October 14, 2011

An Item of Personal Significance

From, Ms. Independent

One item, which is of great significance for me is a necklace that I got for my confirmation.  It’s a present I got from my grandma and that’s why it is that important to me. It’s a silver necklace with a quite big heart pendant. This pendant is adorned with many shiny stones.  Although it’s a very beautiful necklace the reason why it is so significant is another one.  The necklace I’m talking about is very important to me because always I wear it; it remains me of my grandma. On one side she showed me what I mean to her with this present, and on the other side it shows me now how much she meant to me. It’s the one thing that is always near me even though my grandma isn’t anymore…

From, Ms. (Im)Perfect

Since my arrival to New York, I discovered just how much I love my notebook. It is dark-grey and has the typical, edgy form of a notebook. Mine is a little bigger than regular ones at this time, therefore it is heavier too. But that is totally fine, because this gadget makes everything so much easier. I can write my journal entries without the use of too much paper. Further on, I can save documents, with notes or important information. I do not have to remember everything, I just can write it down. Even though I need power for my laptop to work, it is kind of green, since I do not need as much paper as I used to.

In addition, I can go online and chat with my friends. That is the main reason, why I really treasure my HP notebook. It is something like a connection to my family and friends back in Switzerland.  Technology  made it possible that we can keep in touch over the big distance in between. Moreover, the integrated  webcam allows us to see each other, or at least they can see me.

This little all-round talent can entertain me to. If I am bored, I just watch series online or play games.  As long there is power I can charge the battery, I’m totally fine. Well, I’m okay without this gadget too. It does not go that far, that I can’t live without these things anymore. But still, they make things easier, and they help to stay connected and sometimes communication can be kept thanks to e-mails, Facebook or  Skype.

Almost everything I need is combined in that little, quite expensive (not anymore) electronic device.  The best thing for me is that I can keep in touch with my beloved ones, even if I’m far away.

From, Alex K.

If I had to pick the most prized item in my room in Zürich, given that my phone and my laptop are here with me, I would pick my closet. From the outside it may not seem very appealing to the eye, but when it comes to the treasures it is hiding, it is the most beautiful item in my room. It is a light brown wooden wardrobe which has mirrors on its doors. There are tons of pictures stuck on the side panels, which remind me of all the people I care about and great moments I had with them. On the closet there are cardboard boxes which contain shoes and large bags purses. Needless to say, that these are probably of one my most precious and most loved things in my room. And there are even more to find when I open my closet.

It is not valuable because of all the everyday clothes; it is the extraordinary pieces that make it valuable. I can easily connect every piece of clothing with a place or a time. Not only can I associate good memories but also sad ones. A lot of them are in my possession since many years and would tell so much about me if only they could speak. From my point of view outfits can help to express oneself and therefore I can often  make a statement through my clothes and I do not mean that in a “fashion victim”-kind of way since I do not have designer clothes.

In conclusion, it may seem very superficial to pick my closet as the most valuable item in my room but when it is seen from the perspective that it can speak volumes about my personality it really is a valuable item.

From, Slow Starter

One of my most personal items is a tennis racket which I destroyed during a tennis match. The grip of the racket is white and after the incident separated of the rest of the racket, which is black. I keep it in a shelf in my living room as a symbol of my bad behavior during this match. By seeing it every day, it should remind me of this action to do better in future. Although I can't use this racket anymore to play tennis, it has an emotional value for me as it has helping me to control my emotions better.

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