Monday, October 31, 2011

My Generation

„It’s hard to fully enjoy avoiding maturity if you’re worried that it’s more like maturity is escaping you.”

Obviously, young people do not face the truth. They pretend to live a life they have chosen, but in reality, “the situation has chosen them”. I can see the point in that statement. Of course, I do sometimes have such thoughts as well. I envy people for living an easy life but in fact, it is not enviable at all. For me, it would be fun not to work or go to school for a week or two, but when I think of being unemployed for a longer period, I would be desperate. Life would be boring and I would be worried about my future.

In my opinion, there are two types of young people. Maybe also a third, but those people are rare. The first category includes the lazy people who accept the current situation. They do not want to change something, even if they are unemployed; they look at the bright side and talk themselves into believing that they have chosen it. The second type is made up by people who adapt to the current situation. The article mentioned a girl who chose to study a subject in which she only has a slight interest. For me, those people put themselves behind their career. Studies, professions and therefore also money and reputation are more important to them than their own interests and happiness. The sad thing about this group is that they do not really have a choice. They decide what is best for them and from what they can benefit most. It is some kind of Darwin’s “survival of the fittest”. Only people who can adapt to current situations can “survive” in society and especially economy. The third and last group includes, from my point of view, the luckiest people. These people chose a profession they like and earn enough money to be able to live.

Nowadays, young people have so many different opportunities, but sometimes, it is even harder because they cannot choose. The circumstances they live in force them to do something they actually do not like. Economy and society are unpredictable forces when it comes to life-changing decisions. Sometimes they only influence us, but they really can make the choice for us.

(368 words)

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