Monday, November 21, 2011

What I am thankful for..

There are many things in my life, which I am thankful for. To begin with there is my family who always supports me and who is always there for me. They can even help me in the most hopeless situations and I am very thankful that I can always count on them. Additionally to my family, there are my friends who I can share all my good experiences, as well as all my problems with. I am very thankful that I have friends who don’t judge me for the things I do and support me in every situation, even if they don’t have the same opinion as I do. But the thing I am most thankful for is my health. Every day I see so many people on the streets who have disabilities or who are injured, and in these situations I’m always very thankful for the fact that I am healthy. The reason why I am most thankful for being healthy is that I think that if I wasn’t healthy I couldn’t enjoy my life in the way I do and I couldn’t enjoy the things I’m most thankful for.

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