Sunday, November 13, 2011

When is segregation acceptable?

We experience some kind of segregation at the EC language school. After the first day, all new students are segregated, according to their test results, in different classes. But in that case, it is a good thing; as otherwise, some students would feel unable to cope or bored in class. However, segregation should be based on measurable facts (i.e. test results) and not on “soft facts” like race, religion, and gender.

Although it is generally a bad thing to segregate people because of their gender, it is sometimes necessary. I don’t think it would be fair if women would have to compete with men in physical sports like running, weight lifting, and ski racing. On the other hand, I can’t understand why women have a subordinated role in some countries; for example, in Saudi Arabia, women aren’t allowed to drive a car.

One of the most obvious examples is the segregation of men and women in the changing room of a gym. Is this segregation really necessary? What would happen if we had only one changing room? Of course we think now that this wouldn’t work, but that’s just we aren’t used to this idea. Actually, I would like to do an experiment in which we could see if the behavior of man and women change if they had to share a changing room. I’m sure that the situation would be awkward at first, but people would get used to it and after some weeks, it wouldn’t be such a big deal anymore.

Personally, I prefer to have separated changing rooms. As surprising this may sound, there’s a reason for my opinion: In a men’s changing room, men can talk freely about whatever they want. They don’t have to fear that a woman is listening to them. If we had a mixed changing room, this wouldn’t be possible anymore.

I’m pretty sure that women feel the same why, am I right?

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